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Mentorship Program

Our Mission

Wheels 4 Warriors USA is a national nonprofit that partners with Veteran organizations across the United States to establish mentorship programs that provide Veterans with camaraderie, support, and the sense of service that was lost after leaving the military.


The foundation of our W4W USA program is built through mentorship and camaraderie that is provided by Veteran organizations who wish to participate and directly mentor our Veteran recipient. We seek out and partner with Veteran organizations all over the U.S. because Veterans can relate and identify with Veteran specific issues more effectively. And just like in combat, No Veteran Gets Left Behind! Therefore, we rely on our sponsoring organizations to first identify a deserving veteran and then be the support for the veteran recipient.


Built into each of our sponsorship programs we develop a direct mentor position within every sponsoring organization. Each sponsoring group will identify one individual from their group that will be the veteran’s direct mentor for the full year of the program. This individual’s responsibility is to be a direct point of contact for Wheels 4 Warriors USA and to inform both the sponsoring organization and W4W USA of the Veteran’s wellbeing and involvement throughout the entirety of the program. They should also be available to pick up the phone when needed, go on motorcycle rides with our veteran recipient, motivate and involve our recipient in veteran activities and events, and most importantly, provide them with camaraderie and support when they are struggling.

The Motorcycle

Since becoming a 100% 501c3 in 2016 W4W USA has implemented 38 motorcycle mentorship programs all over the United States. Each Veteran program recipient receives a new or newly rebuilt motorcycle with a displacement larger than 750cc unless the needs of a particular Veteran require modifications or dictate otherwise. All W4W USA program motorcycles are inspected, repaired, modified, and customized to ensure safety and functionality for the veteran rider. Every motorcycle receives at minimum a full-service inspection, new tires and a full year’s maintenance plan for repairs and modifications. To ensure that our Veterans are safe and successful, throughout the course of the one- year program, we will make any needed modifications and repairs to keep the Veteran on the road to enjoying wind therapy.

Selection Process

Program recipients are nominated by the Sponsoring Veteran Organizations by submitting a biography of the Veteran for the W4W USA Board of Directors to review. In the case of multiple nominations, we will provide the sponsoring organization with our recommendation, but ask that the sponsoring organization ultimately choose who they feel will benefit the most, as well as be a good fit for their organization. After a Veteran has been selected, Wheels 4 Warriors USA will coordinate with the organization on the specifics of how to finance and produce the motorcycle presentation.

Finalization and Program Development

Once a Veteran is identified and selected to be a recipient the entire program is reviewed and discussed by Wheels 4 Warriors USA and the Sponsoring Organization to discuss potential cost, fundraising or donations needs to complete the program. This can be done through event fundraising, collecting donations or in any other magnitude of ways. Regardless of whether funds are raised through teamwork or solely done by Wheels 4 Warriors USA, once a Veteran has been selected and a program has been agreed upon, W4W USA will ensure that the program happens no matter what!


Each Veteran recipient will be equipped with all the protective gear they should need to start riding immediately. If they do not have a motorcycle endorsement, we will make all necessary arrangements for the Veteran to take a motorcycle safety course to obtain their motorcycle endorsement.

Never a Burden

To ensure that our W4W USA program recipients do not feel any financial burden as a recipient of our program, we provide and pay for the taxes, title, registration, insurance, motorcycle service program, and provide a $300 fuel card for the year.

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